Gay Kiss
Gay sex
Chuca and tuck
And anally
I'm a troubled boy
Just that I'm free
She looks at me with my boyfriend
She hates
Her eyes burn
But I'm a troubled boy free
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Just waiting for a couple
Here's a mess
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Look at me
The troubled boy
But free dancing in the dark
That shit don't care
Run, run in the light of the Moon
Up of men werewolves
All are rising
The wrong things we do at night
He loves to dance in the dark
He reveals himself in the darkness
He can do what he wants
He watches day pornographic
Licking bananas
Roasted or raw
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Just waiting for a couple
Here's a mess
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Look at me
The troubled boy
But free dancing in the dark
Ha! Ha! Ha!
To their looks
I'm all wrong
But in the name of all
Fuck you world beast
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Just waiting for a couple
Here's a mess
Baby, I'm dancing in the dark
Look at me
The troubled boy
But free dancing in the dark