When you think everything is falling apart
A light at the end of the tunnel comes
Your heart will try to break
But you can't let that happen
Know that you're beautiful
Your soul and character are worth
You don't have to call stop others
Will always have people wanting to destroy you
But you are stronger than they
Don't worry about tomorrow
He will always shine for you
All of this is yours
Because you're a royalty
A royalty of pure heart
Just don't give up everything he believes in
It's not worth it
Just because you speak doesn't mean it's true
You know shine like nobody
You can obtain an energy
You're all beautiful inside and out
Move the yellow brick road
Without bumping into anyone
Without killing any innocent
Just hug them
And follow your life
Don't worry about tomorrow
He will always shine for you
All of this is yours
Because you're a royalty
A royalty of pure heart
Tonight you won't cry
Don't worry about them
You at the end of the day will shine
Just don't look for anyone
Look at yourself and dream
Your thoughts have power
Their words are not worth anything
Don't worry about tomorrow
He will always shine for you
All of this is yours
Because you're a royalty
A royalty of pure heart