Are you prepared for that?
Let's not waste time
Your smile captivates me
All I have here
I want to give it to you
My heart is not broken
He's pasted
You even told me that I would
I was a royalty
It's time for me to repay
You know what I'm talking about
I know you never break my heart
The brave is for your honest
Honest is for your bravo
Your beautiful is for your brave and honest
You are brave, honest and beautiful.
Yeah, yeah
I know you like stories
But break my heart will not be one of them
You know how much I admire you
And how much I think you're a champion
Tell everyone who you are
You're my historian
You're just a kid
That could change my life
And don't you know that
I wish you all
Absolutely everything
The brave is for your honest
Honest is for your bravo
Your beautiful is for your brave and honest
You are brave, honest and beautiful.
You're not calling anybody
For no one
Will only answer me
Because that's what a handsome boy would
You can come here to talk to me directly
Call me if you need to
But I know I need to talk to you
The brave is for your honest
Honest is for your bravo
Your beautiful is for your brave and honest
You are brave, honest and beautiful.