Did you remember that night?
Our lips intertwined like a knot
My memories have never deceived me so much
I remember how I was producing everything
I dressed my best clothes to go find you
Puzzled and very confused way
Imagination pure and totally out of the real
What was that tear trickling down?
Just a drop of saltwater
A goodbye should start with a hello
I don't want to be around anymore
I always looked for the sunshine
The headlights guided me to cross my paths
But that was not enough
What does this new generation want?
False smiles and a life that does not exist
Loves and more loves that are not worth
This is a red nation
Red as the blood we shed when we love
All blinded by a luxury that is gone
We are not armored inside
A bullet can puncture us
But we do not care
We just want to show us
As if we had on a Roman holiday
My dry lips like the desert
No one can save us more
We are all going to die drowned
We drown for things that are futile and do not add us
Heaven and earth collide with each other
My heart and soul are destroyed
Just wanting a little attention
I don't want to be around anymore
I always looked for the sunshine
The headlights guided me to cross my paths
But that was not enough
What does this new generation want?
False smiles and a life that does not exist
Loves and more loves that are not worth
This is a red nation
Red as the blood we shed when we love
First step
Don't fall
Second step
Don't get carried away
Step Three
Never stop loving yourself for a greater love
I don't want to be around anymore
I always looked for the sunshine
The headlights guided me to cross my paths
But that was not enough
What does this new generation want?
False smiles and a life that does not exist
Loves and more loves that are not worth
This is a red nation
Red as the blood we shed when we love