Enjoying my new form
Shines like my new heart
My colors are shocked to see light
Now I'm living
Now I know everything
Being more like ever
One by one
Experiencing all the senses
And liking them more
And liking me more
I may look drunk
But I'm just coming into contact with myself
I'm livin' in heaven
I'm bein' the queen of the clouds
Living a little at a time
Happy to be clouds of the sky
Bein' from sky clouds
Enjoying my new form
Shines like my new heart
My colors are shocked to see light
Now I'm living
Now I know everything
Being more like ever
One by one
Experiencing all the senses
And liking them more
And liking me more
I may look drunk
But I'm just coming into contact with myself
I'm livin' in heaven
I'm bein' the queen of the clouds
Living a little at a time
Happy to be clouds of the sky
Bein' from sky clouds