Hey Police !
(E. Summers)
Hey Police...
Your Enemies is not only in the Streets
They're in Senate and they're Congressists
Wake Up Police
They Don't Live
Just in Slum Quarters
They Use Tender and Necktie
The Aren't Hunted
Hey Police...
All I Want is Justice
They Kill our Dignity
They Shame us Outside
Lies you told us
Under the cloth you pass Milions
Lips Dirty by your Booshits
All you bring us is indignation
Hey Police...
This Criticizes aren't for You
Is For that bastards that you have to Obey
Yes Sir, No Sir is all that you Say
Dignity is Over
Ignorance Kingdom
Rising with your corruption
Chaos in our country you did
Everything you do is for you
Underwear millionaire
(GTR Solo)