Just only a moment in our lifes,
Like the rock will change dust so,
But the moment in our minds gonna stay,
Your kiss in my lips won’t way,
Your body hot in my bed,
You peel is flowers of fall,
your voice tellming words of love:
-I’ll stay forever by your side!
(Chorus) (2X)
Just only a moment of love,
Just only a moment in our lifes...
My words staying in that air,
Your shouts, so making me feel the light.
Your sex weted in my face,
Just only the flavor of love,
I enter in your body like soldier,
in a war, hunting a enimy,
the walls so golded for your eyes,
Your hair, so back like the night,
in finish a tear down in your face,
and we sleep togheter in our pace.
(Chorus) (4X)