Oh satan
Lord of darkness
Father of all filth
Prince of the earth
Your hand that casteth the shadow
Upon the souls of men
Building up the pride
With teeming eyes
Behold the worship of self
Behold the path to infernal destruction
But I laugh at you
A mutual discernment
You will perish
And don't they know?
Can't they see?
You are their God
You are the one they worship
For anything apart of God is of you
And this you know
Oh blind ones
Let the scriptures be fulfilled
A turning away must come first
Forsaking the truth of God
Men bury themselves in vain idleness of life
The claim of intellect
The seeds of deceit
And you watch with great joy
Softly bit surely delivering them unto the flames
How I wish your time was now
A desire to see you burn in the agony of a thousand years
But I must let the wisdom of God fill my mind
His justice in righteousness prevails over all sin
What path they will follow
The father gives them up to the devices of their own hearts
Some to the light of heaven
And some to the darkness of sheol
But I rejoice in knowing that your enemy is just
And no accusation of unfairness could stand against him
A sad night has come
As I behold the men of the earth
Give themselves up to closed hearts
To eternal darkness
Never to exist again
One life wasted
Another never to be realized