The girl next door should be dancing on my dancefloor
The girl next door is the one I am looking for
The girls next door looks greener on the other side
She sings and shouts all day and all night
Maybe she is pretentious
Maybe she is posh
Maybe she is a gangster
Maybe she is trash
Le type d’à côté n’arrête pas de m’observer
Je devrais l’inviter à venir boire un thé
The girl next door moves like Drew Barrymore
She likes beer and wine and a whole lot more
Maybe she is pretentious
Maybe she is posh
Maybe she is a gangster
Maybe she is trash
Somebody is banging on my door
Somebody is ringing the bell
Somebody is banging on my door
Somebody is ringing the bell
What’s that banging on my door ?
I’ d better clean out my cell
My clothes are lying on the floor
The stench is gonna outlast hell
Le type d’à côté ne regarde pas la télé
Il met des vieux disques et chante comme Paul Mc Cartney
Le type d’à côté est vraiment dérangé
Il a refusé de me laisser entrer