What is a dream without fighting
Without tears neither blood
What is to can and not to do
It’s a dream won’t come true
Bring it to reality aways is so hard
But wait the heaven is not the best option
Like I told, a dream is just a dream
A project of reality
That needs bravery to exists
We’ve just to look around everybody that already tried
But now we will go till the end fighting with our souls
What is a dream without fighting
If we just can see, not have
We are imagining, not feeling
A lost phantom we are being
To want is to can
We have just to find the right way
Like a told, a dream is just a dream
Exists only dreams in the weaks
Begeting disillusions and fears
We’ve just to look around everybody that not already tried
I can see what you see, everyone see. Let’s go to win
Fly to the eternity
Find the way in the stars like me, forever
Fight, never stop to fight
We have to want always more, forever
Like I told, a dream is just a dream
Everybody can see it, inside us
But it’s the first door, and we ave to open it
And it will take off us from darkness, but it will blind our eyes
I can see what you see, everyone see
Exists lots of doors
Fly to the eternity
Look the way in the stars like me, forever
Fight, never stop to fight
And always open all the doors, forever