My BFF, there's nothing left
But memories and sadness
We used to be oh so happy
All giggles, goofs and gladness
Why did I have to try to get that rent you pay?
When all it did was make you mad
And drove you far away!
You were the bestest friend
I'll never forget again
Other F
I never did intend
To upend, condescend, or offend my best friend
I'll win you back someday
I swear I'll find a way
Other F
Until then my skies are gray
Want to say if you stay I will pay for a toupee
Ian and Anthony sing together when they're reunited
My BFF, I'm glad you're back
And everything's all good
These gross hobos are trying to kill us now
So let's get the f**k out of the hood
We are the bestest friends
We'll never fight again
Other F
I'm happy to amend
And defend
On depend
My best friend