Heed the call of the one war that's not foreign
And trace it's words into the selfless sky
Seal your world at the end, let all expire
One final given glance cuts your pouring reign
The matter of law, shred by claw
In the oneness of light flames forth
A wild liberty, assailed by cosmic lightning
Do whatever you claim by need
Trust and shatter faith under feet
Attain the apprehension of existence
Equalize 'I' to noon and night
The kingdom of god lies within you
And from there the fruit shall sprout
In original sin
The light, the love, the life and liberty
All becomes one in purest form
The night, the naught, the death of the holy trinity
So be it unto you in the whole of one
These are the emanations, grown by the roots of hell
There are no limitations, when there's no soul to sell