Sell The Pussy Song Lyrics
Sell The Pussy by The Choirboys [Instrumental]
Well ah hungry and ah more broken than a louse,
It aint have nothing left for me to porn in the house,
Meh girlfriend have a pussy cat they call big fat lazy puss,
Ah tell she to sell it get some cash cause he aint no use,
If you hear me sell the pussy and bring all the cash to me,
Ah love you baby but ah cyah remain hungry,
This starvation it could finish just like that
But you got to sell the pussy, sell the pussy cat...
She complaining, how she have this cat since she born
She won't sell it, she won't even put it in harm
But before I have to choke and rob and perhaps end up in jail
Let meh tell meh friends that you have your pussy for sale!
Sell the pussy and bring all the cash to me,
I love you baby but I cyah remain hungry,
This starvation got to finish jus like that
But you gotta to sell de pussy, sell the pussy cat...
Unemployment is what really have meh so broke
You could help out, if you sell till ah start to work
And ah promise you won't have to sell for more than a year or two
By then I should have enough cash to buy three pussy for you!
Sell the pussy and bring all the cash to me,
Ah love you baby but ah cyah remain hungry,
This starvation got to finish just like that
But you got to sell the pussy, sell the pussy cat...
She decided she go give meh idea a try
Ah bring a little chinee man to buy, but she shy
She got accustomed to the business now so no longer she afraid
Since ah cyah get wuk she continue wuking she trade, hey, hey, hey!
Sell the pussy and bring all the cash to me,
Ah love you baby but ah cyah remain hungry,
This starvation got to finish just like that
But you got to sell the pussy, sell the pussy cat...