The new slavery is here.
New slaves conditioned.
Numb, can´t feel within
The wheels of producing and consuming.
Annihilation Chic body count.
Bowed down to the golden rules of benefit and cost
The gate to annihilation
Conditioned mobile entity.
Shift entities.
Moving human capital from place
A to B.
We´re suffering the doctrine
Of a totalitarian market.
Personal management is postmodern
Flexibility - hostility - enmity - efficiency
Everyone - everything - everywhere - everytime
Join the ratrace, because you have the freedom to obey
Join the ratrace, because you have the freedom to consume
Keep in line, because there is freedom to steal
Keep in line, because there is freedom to exploit
Pigs in suit and tie
Built empires
Beyond the surface perception
Global markets where the sun
Never goes down
Creating chaos hand in hand
With complacency