We do not know the fortune that is ours to have the world we live in'
And we do not know who's made it and for what,
But we are down on this great place we slaughter'
There's no spare somewhere we could go
And no reason to find one anyway'
There's no spare somewhere to go on
With the waste we carry out everyday'
How long shall we rave until we feel some regrets?
And keep on driving straight on to failure?
How much long remaining for enjoying this place,
This place that we're just wasting, that's sure?
To follow my fathers
I will forsake the land,
Obey my inner feeling
And meet the seas again.
I will choose the same path
They've taken million years ago'
So, escape as fast as you can
The insane world they built without care'
Find a shelter as far as you can
Safe from their blind spitefulness'
Then, run as long as you can'
Now I'm free' And all is clear
My destiny' far open sea
Far in my dream far of your greed
Leaving all behind all out of my sight
Leaving All Behind' Leaving All Behind'
I've found a place where noise turns to silence
Impurity lies deep in the ocean of all our fears'