But Rachel (Moraes/Bravim)
Letra: Yuri Moraes
Voz: Caue Bravim & Yuri Moraes
You know I miss you so much, hey
Santa do meu mundo
Now I can stop thinking about you
(Mi amore!)
Sinto mucho I can't stay
No cabe a mi ser tu inimigo
Don't, don't you know?
It was not insignificant
A mil anos yo te sinto
So Crawler, tonight is the night?
Hm.. No...
Why man? How is your baby girl
She left man...
Ouch... This sucks man...
Why she left you man?
Well, i killed her father...
Oh man, this is pretty fucked up!
Why did you do that?
I tought I was an Orc...
Oh... That Again?
Yeah dude...
Well, this shit happens... What are you gonna do?
I don't know, maybe give her flowers and stuff
Oh, she will love it
I really hope so...
Give her a kiss man
Thanks for being here with me liquid face
My pleasure, dog