How do we gag a blabbermouth like Lisa?
How do we crush her First Amendment rights?
How do we stop her writing up what she saw?
Would she shut her trap?
For a gift card from the Gap?
She might
Oh, how do we stop a royal pain like Lisa?
How do we make this righteous less uptight?
The hillbilly tykes
Will become my tutees
Books about Dali, Degas, and Miro
Those are the folks that you yokels should know
Pretentious laughs at Bunuel retrospectives
Outsider art made by mental defectives
Enjoying opry that ain't grand or ole
Comparing Jim Carrey to Dario Fo!
Eating tapas
Freestyle rap-as
Mrs. Skinner is Mame
We finally experienced cultural things
And now they don't seem
So lame!
I have eight teeth goin' on seven teeth
I have a curvy spine
We live on landfill
And feast on roadkill
While we all drink moonshine