Well in the name of the Father
Who created this world
And the Son
Who redeemed my soul
And the Spirit
Who is making me whole
One holy Trinity throughout eternity ya
One love one faith
Ya thats what we profess
On our lips on our tounges
It makes the demons run
We talking Jesus Lord of Lords
King of heaven and earth
And the Father up in heaven
And the Spirit sent to earth
This is the holy Trinity throughout eternity
Ya it's the holy Trinity in all His majesty
So we beginning this a' record like ya know we should
With the blessings of the Trinity in your neighborhood.
Let us begin then!
Well in the name of the Father
Who created this world
And the Son
Who redeemed my soul
And the Spirit
Who is making me whole
One holy Trinity throughout eternity ya
Ah let me break it down
Break it down like this
Cause their are people in the world
They think the three they don't exist
They say, "how can there be three
When there's only one
And they fail to understand
Father Spirit Son
So I take em' the truth which is the holy Church
And you can't deny that if you believe in the Son ya
God from God Baby
Light from Light
A true God from true God
Begotten not made
Let us begin then!