Untitled 4-3-06 Song Lyrics
Untitled 4-3-06 by Zach Nelson He closes his eyes
As he pokes himself again
The needle goes in one side
And out the other
Nobody sees the lies
The lies in his eyes
The needle in his wrist
His wrist is self image
It's killing him slowly
As blood drips drop by drop
Nobody is there to pull it out
To take the pain away
To make everything okay
The eyes of an angel
That's what he seeks
No, not her eyes
Her love
That is the only cure
The cure for all his needles
All he needs is her
To keep the pain away
But the needles aren't from his fingers
They are but stupid remarks from others
The cut like a razor
Move like a blade
And hold like a vice
Will she save him?
Will she be his rescuer?
He does not hold her together
SHE is the glue
For the pieces of his heart