You're Harry freakin' Potter!
You don't understand
You're a legend, man
To us all!
Every son and daughter
Ron & the kids: [spoken] "safe!"
... From you-know-who
All because of you!
You were small
But I wonder if you can recall...
[Chorus: Oooh...]
Long story short
This guy
[Whispered] "Voldemort"
Was super cruel...
[Spoken] "Voldemort?"
The kids:
[Gasp!] "Shhh!!!"
[Chorus: Oooh...]
... Tried to kill you and your parents
And this is where it gets intensely cool...
Even though you were a tiny little boy
You shoulda died but you survived and then destroyed
This evil guy and it's story we enjoy to tell....
Ron & the kids:
You're Harry freakin' Potter!
We don't prefer gandalf
Merlin, or Oz
You're a whole lot hotter!
With that lighting scar
You're a superstar to us all!
If we're in trouble we know who to call!
Rita Skeeter:
You're Harry freakin' Potter!
I wouldn't wince at all
You're invincible to all harm!
Like betty crocker
Rita Skeeter & the kids:
I wanna eat you up!
No one'll beat you up
With that charm!
Remember, Harry, kid
You're the boss
You're the king
You're the bomb!
But this is all so sad
I mean, my mom and dad
Were killed, long ago...
The kids:
[Long ago they died!]
... I wanna be psyched
But being unliked
Is all I know...
[... All he knows, that's why]
I never thought I'd be a part of such a fate
An opportunity eleven years late...
I guess it's time for me step up to the plate
And show 'em that I'm something great!
I'm Harry freakin' Potter!
I'll do what I can
If what you say I am is true!
I can't be bothered
By my awful past
I've found at last
Something I can do
So it's time I knew
Exactly who I am...
I'm Harry freakin' Potter!
The kids:
You're Harry freakin' Potter!
Harry & the kids
I'm/you're Harry freakin' Potter!
... And I'm the man!
The kids:
Harry & the kids:
[Spoken] "Harry freakin' Potter!"