One hand washes the other
Red hands make bloody water
They'll come for us again, don't worry
They have their bottom line
There is more money to be made
Paid liar
Take what you can reach
Closed doors make easy choices
Drown out dissenting voices
They'll force it through again, theres no hurry
They have their vermin eyes
There is more money to be made
Med starver
Big pharma
Strangle strategy
Broke system
Filled prisons
Feed on misery
Quake driller – this is as far as you get to go
Oil spiller – this is as far as you get to go
Poisoned energy – this is the end, the end of the road
Storm warning – this is as far as you get to go
Forest burning – this is as far as you get to go
Greenlight industry – this is the end, the end of the road