Rap something
Hey, you don't got no bars
You ain't got no bars
Already rapped hella inside of your car
Tell the fellas in the bar, I'm a mutherfuckin star
That's exactly what I wanted
He looks like he got a bomb
Oh bro, that is a- I'm a mutherfu-kin star
Hold up, hold up
He looks like he's surfing
Mutherfu-ker you take shots like that?
That's clean
I like how it was my idea, but you got all the credit
That's true
Dre, come on Dre
All I had to do was get down here
See how low you can get
Come on Dre
They ready for me to freestyle
I've been working on it for a while now
So much, I'm about to get paid
Your bitch gonna leave you
And come to my house so I can get laid
She got a mouth that's about to get sprayed
Full of semen
She said, damn, you got a big dick
I thought it was a demon
Hey, that ain't it dog
What about some writtens?
That ain't it. That ain't it