How can I move forward under the weight of these ghosts?
Who needs drugs with these highs and lows?
If I push hard enough on these rusty gears
Maybe I can make up for all these lost years
The engine underneath me is trying to die
I just put in more gas and keep my eyes on the light
The villains are slain but their ghosts always find me
So hard to move forward when they're dragging behind me
Push on through the pain; don't give up the fight
Just put in more gas and keep your eyes on the light
They rattle the windows and pummel the doors
They won't get in if I keep moving forward
I'm learning to trust that I'll be ok
I'll use what I've learned to show others the way
The engine underneath me is trying to die
I just put in more gas and keep my eyes on the light
The villains are slain but their ghosts always find me
So hard to move forward when they're dragging behind me
Push on through the pain; don't give up the fight
Just put in more gas and keep your eyes on the light
The road is long but I'll keep the path clear
I've already faced my deepest fears
I'll fight anything that might try to harm me
I saved my own life, so keep your prince charming
The engine underneath me is trying to die
I just put in more gas and keep my eyes on the light
The villains are slain but their ghosts always find me
So hard to move forward when they're dragging behind me
Push on through the pain; don't give up the fight
Just put in more gas and keep your eyes on the light