May God arise, may his foes flee before him
May his enimjes be scattered, as smoke in the wind
May God arise with the righteous glad before him
Let us sing in joyful chorus let our God arise
Sing to God, sing the praises of his name
Rejoce before him, the refuge of the saints
Him who rides on the clouds, sends heavens mercy’s flowing down
Let us sing in joyful chorus let our God arise
The lord is my keeper the lord is my stone
He picks me up and causes me to overflow
He gives me the people the places tools i need so that I may praise him in whatever my day brings
May God arise, as he leads us prisoners singing
Become our holy dwelling, as we wander through the night
May God arise, and go before his people
His hand shall make me stable
Let us sing in joyful chorus let our God arise
Sing to God, sing the praises of his name
Rejoce before him, the refuge of the saints
Him who rides on the clouds, sends heavens mercy’s flowing down
Let us sing in joyful chorus let our God arise
My god is the Shepard my god is the light his fortress will hold me his mercy ever be my guide the King of my fathers the King of my heart My portion forever from you never shall I part
May God arise, may his foes flee before him
May his enimjes be scattered, as smoke in the wind
May God arise with the righteous glad before him
Let us sing in joyful chorus let our God arise