Nation rots
From within
Corruption rules
And Money talks
Nothing done
Unless rich make out
No one wins
Without putting out
Money and power
All intertwined
Corruption is a way of life
Democratic suicide
Is what we face
Common good is long forgot
Self interest is paramount
Going down this path to hell
Will lead to loss for all
Nation doomed
Nation rots
Failed policies
Wasted years
Money rules
Corruption wins
Suicidal democracy
Racing towards our ruining
Legislate morality
To distract from wide spread poverty
Keep them poor and mad as hell
To distract from heading strait to hell
This will lead to worsening plight
This void will harbor radical spite
Angry voices will silence reason
Stupidly will be in season
One will rise to take the reigns
Promising an end to pain
The end will come through him
Evil thrives on desperation
The end
Is near
Our doom
Is sealed
Self interest
No Way
Out of
Our oblivion
Suicidal democracy
Racing towards our ruining
Nation doomed
Nation rots
Failed policies
Wasted years
Money rules
Corruption wins
Suicidal democracy
Racing towards our ruining