This song is a solo. This song is explaining my reasons.
This song?s title should give you a damn good idea what
it is good to be like. Aite lets roll.
I was born in 89 my dad rush down to the medical center in a 79
Chevy and adored me for I was his first. / I was a quickie.
I was raised up in many Hoods.
Raised in Germany, Guam, Japan, and America. Seen the world
seen the worst of the shit seen the best of the shit.
I was raised next to the rap world. I would sit in my room with my
friend?s dog in my lap listening to Ice cube / and I would walk out
and hear all the saps go o look at
Him and all that shit but the really thing I only heard was there
jaws flap.
Really you dirty hicks I don?t give a damn what you do. Just leave
me the fuck alone you are just a quick blick in my life I can flick
you away in a light second. I can take a lickin / and you don?t you
da the shit to take me on so back on down mo fo. I don?t give a
damn if you are my moms co-worked or the president back the
fuck off. You lucky I just don?t go off right now.
Whoever you are you came to the wrong place. I don?t give a
damn who you are to me your a dude that is lame and that ain?t
got to game. So you a ruining my fame so get packing and don?t
come on back or ill hack up in a flash don?t believe me I won?t
slash you up then test me.