Priests of Heliopolis, Holders of the Secret Feast, Embalmers of the Ancient Sect, Perform the Holy Rite of Death
The Veil that holds the Holy Gem, In the blackened land of Khem, Taken from the Pharoah's brain, Leads you to the Astral Realm
Behold I dwell within The Star Chamber of Isis
Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the Sacred Nile
It's halls are long and narrow, with corridors that gleam. It's walls are like silver, that illuminate this Holy Place
As I approach the entrance, to the chamber within. I give the secret sign, to the guarded door
Behold I dwell within The Star Chamber of Isis
Beneath my feet is the sandy silt of the Sacred Nile
I come into the presence, of the Ancient Gods. I ask them to bestow on me, their wisdom, power and seed
I feel their energy pulsing, in my heart and veins. As the sleeping serpent, travels to my brain
The wisdom that they gave me, the visions I did see. The gateway to the soul, now I have The Key!