Eat of the Forbidden Fruit, the pinnacle of Gods
Eat of the Eloquence, Taste the dancing Infinity
Sink thy lips within the amassing zeal of the Goddess
Sink thy teeth into wisdom and ecstasy, intoxicating bliss
Eat of the fruits of the cenotaph, feast!
Hearken to the antediluvian counsel of Harpocrates
Eat and ye shall be wise, as the most Ancient of the Gods
Feast and feast, upon the wail of the crumbling Empire
Sail and navigate, the uncharted corridors of the netherworld
Reshape the broken shards of the Catoptron, the Enastron
Wield the Crown, Sorcery and Infinity, Wield the Scepter of Thebes!
Weave the silver threads and become the Grandiloquent Seer
Eat of the fruit of Knowledge, and Ye Shall be wise as the Gods
Hearken to the sermon of the thrice wreathed serpent
And Ye Shall Be of the Gods!