How long does it take?
To feel what I was trying to portray?
How many times do I have to say? (Say, say, say)
That I didn’t mean that (mean that)
I never meant that
What I meant was I could’ve held you close
Forever and ever and ever
And that I’d be by your side
No matter the guys that tried to hypnotize me
I’d be tying your shoes while you stare down at me
Asking me if I still loved you
Pleading to me, thinking I couldn’t say no
They’d come grabbing for me
You’d be crying
Watching me, go flying
Into the night, without a fight of my own
Driving away, smiling and waving
You’d try to say
“Come back baby”
But my ears were closed off
I was getting a better night off from you
You try to tell me that I was bad
That I would grasp for any male attention
Apprehension was out the window
Crescendos of applause is what I craved
You made me feel insane
Over something that you made in your brain
Fake infidelity is the new video game
Checkmate, maybe I was too late
I couldn’t say anything that could’ve saved us
I was out of touch according to you
Nothing more to do
Cause I was the culprit
I was the suspect
I was the villain
I was the hornet on your skin as a kid
Trickling the venom into your soft skin
A magnet to anything that was a kin
To affection that I wasn’t getting
From the person who said it all to me
I was watching the hail fall from the sky
As I tried to hold your hand, you denied me
You said that it was what had to be done
You spun around, ran to lower ground
You left me to fall, under it all
And said that I deserved it
Maybe I’d learn a lesson
And learn a lesson I did
And I have you to thank for it