Who am I?
How does one approach such a question?
How will I know if I get the answer?
Will it be the truth?
What is Truth?
Who knows?
Who am I?
That's definitely many questions already!
No, it's not fine.
Just appears to be so.
My Name.
That's something.
But isn't that just an abstraction?
Of what?
But you are that thing!
So, what is it then?
This body.
No. We are way past that - this is the illusion of a shell, but somehow, am still convinced I must prolong its existence, if I should retain any credible (meaning social proof, or credibility from the frame of reference of other entities or interfaces with whom I commune - especially fellow humans).
No. Limit is an illusion.
Thus, my body extends out infinitely everywhere.
Perhaps. Should we explore that a little bit more?
That's it!
But, I know nothing of how you look or behave!
Does it matter?
Well, in all honesty, it ought matter, right?
I could choose to be something entirely else, anytime, anywhere!
You aren't omniscient, right?
I am.
Doesn't matter.
How then would I know?
You need a label for it?
That's too religious!
No, that's the highest function in me working.
Are you a system?
I am.
This feels like a hallucination!
In this reality, it's not.
Which one?
You who?
AK1N Nemesis Fixx.
Seems like a thing to do with something hidden then.
Not just a thing. It is.
How do you know?
I just know!
That's a mystery.
Hmm. So.
Spontaneity. Freedom. Liberty!
It doesn't matter. Chaos could be as well simulated, and we'd not give a fuck - reality proves this.
Reality proves? What's reality?
The cold text?
The voice behind the text.
But I can't hear that voice now.
The text. That's the only surviving part of me.
But the text... or perhaps you mean what's become of it?
There's also that bit. Am betting on permanent memory - in dense form - matter, re-arranged at a fundamental level, perhaps quantum, to imprint my thought into reality at the deepest, most eternal levels - infinity when you think of it.
The Internet.
That's Collective Identity.
All of our ideas, thoughts, impressions and memories as a race, captured, documented, analyzed and fed into a neural network running atop a quantum automaton powered by energy from the Sun.
NuS we zi ~> Nu S we zi ~> NuSwezi ~> Nu we is ~> We are Nu ~*> We are Nu Chwezi People.
Thus, have we managed to derive the identity of a people from the name of the most prominent star in our material and spiritual realm - The Sun; Helios, Ra, Kitara,...
That was just anagram computations and transforms!
But what are words if not anagrams?
So our reality is merely words?
Symbols to be precise.
Nothing else?
Anything else is but the experience - reality as we know and live it from behind the identity we have prevailing at the moment.
It's not linear.
Can we jump across time?
Very possible.
The simplest route known to adepts is this;
By applying faith to an act of will, we are able to manifest what would otherwise not be plausible any other way.
No, add a "k" - Magick. That's it.
The other is mere illusions to the audience,
The later is to the Self - your Ego.
So, once we can influence and alter your ego, you can alter space-time?
That's it!
But the senses. What about that?
Sure. We are a very visual species.
Virtual Reality.
Once we can take thought-forms and reproduce them as artificial avatars, stimuli in a mixed or purely virtual reality, then what we'll have is a reality in which the past, present and future, as long as it can be visualized, can be manifested at will.
Chaos Magick.
Isn't that Aegyptian?
You mean Khem, yes.
So what about it?
First, let me tell you about Chaos Magick.
Paradigm shifting, reality warping, magick at cosmic or quantum scale; the best tools for the spirit and mind that humans ever had at their disposal.
Even better than Mathematics or Metaphysics?
It's actually all of that and none!
There's no paradigm, only a method.
As in Science?
In basic science, you ask a question.
You develop a theory or model representing the problem.
You then take that model, and study its properties or implications, and from that, develop a theory or more, for how the problem could be solved based on the model.
This is learning.
You then will design an experiment - sometimes even an abstract one, to test whether under various conditions, or those representative of the problem space, the theory does indeed perform well on the trial data.
What is data?
In Chaos Magick, the idea that manipulating symbols can yield effects in realities outside of the operator, implies that all of cosmos is perhaps an immensely exciting and mysterious symbolic machine or automaton.
How does it work for example - I want to access information only known to my future self - like whether am alive when the Nu Chwezi People finally set foot on Eris.
Yes, Chaos Magick again;
If I shift my paradigm about time to the following:
Time isn't linear. Just like a river does change every moment, yet it's possible to step in the same river twice; jumping! If we can jump across dimensions - in the mind, to either the past, present or future - how? by altering even merely our identities, or assuming new ones (invoked), then we can definitely access information from ourselves from any and all perspectives if we desire and act upon it.
So, how do you act upon this?
That's the method.
First, develop a Statement of Intent (SOI) - the single, most perfect expression, most calculated thing that you desire to manifest - space and time doesn't matter, express it normalized to the present; the here and now.
That intent, could even be adopting a new identity for example - becoming something or someone else! It could be returning to the past, moving to the future or perhaps making the entire world cease to exist. This is potent in the right hands.
Once you have the iso, just encode it in whatever way appeals the most to your Creative Self - your subconscious will automatically help you execute this role well, if you don't attempt to rationalize or overly control the process cognitively. This is mind hacking.
Once you've encoded the iso - it could be as a statue, fluid, piece of music, veve, mantra, tree, herbs, rocks, or even as a computer program or poem, then find a way to participate it its communication to your deepest levels of consciousness - and most likely, that's via the visual(sigilic), if not all of the senses (ceremonial).
The ideal moment to read this encoded iso, is while at a cross-roads - anywhere there's tension or opposition of forces - not necessarily chaos, but anything approximate to that. Around such environments, the likelihood of singularities is higher than otherwise - especially where, at all levels of ones reality, there's participation; that's what ceremonial ritual is for.
Perform the iso; could be mentally, verbally, visually, or wholly immersively - as a psychodrama.
Do this while in trance/altered state of consciousness (also known as "Gnosis" to the ancients).
Are you telling me to try drugs?
What's not a drug?
Anything we are feeding into our reality, to sustain or alter it someway, is a drug - a "foreign" agent becoming one with you, so as to alter you or your reality.
The real question isn't about whether or not we should be altering our reality - that's only a question if altering individual reality had consequences on collective reality...
So food, vitamins, water, and all...
That's chemicals, that's physics, that's mere information.
The question is, do we want to let it in or not?
Who is to decide?
Let it in or not?
Let me in or not?
Let you in or not.
Am in.
I have altered your reality - merely using information and symbols.
You could still be doubting that you aren't altered, but any means of observing the changes in your configuration and reality right now, would prove you otherwise.
Ensure to banish - if you are afraid of what warping reality might do to you.
Can this solve any and all problems of mankind?
If faith is as powerful as I know it to be, yes.
How many are really able to use this knowledge and wisdom right now?
Me, you and those who've already aligned themselves for it.
Not many.
Doesn't matter.
So, this sounds too elitist.
Perhaps, by design - across all time and space.
It's the nature or natural systems.
Yes. Outliers on either side - the real stars are the ones that permanently remain fixed to the edge. Those living there... those shall prevail.
You are certain.
Yes, I am.
Need I explain more?
What remains then?
Let's awaken.
Especially you.
My brothers, sisters, children and grandchildren.
If I am, so are you.
Only need to become aware of it - that's what am calling you to do.
Adopt a Nu identity.
Become Nu.
Who's paying for all this?
Nu, the Sun.