Nobody wants to deal...
Nobody wants to deal with the...
Nobody wants to deal with the sad girl...
'Cept Bessie & Muddy & BB & Howlin' Wolf
Satchmo & Ella & Billie & Ray too..
Tears on Vinyl Brand New...
Nobody wants to feel...
Nobody wants to feel with their...
Nobody wants to feel with their heart no more...
I love my radio, it gets the pain to go
If I were a radio, oh, I'd probably prefer to spin the Blues..
I love my radio, it gets the pain to go
If I were a radio, oh, I'd probably prefer to spin the Blues..
Something tears me apart in the dark and I crumble
Stumbling for a hand or a mumble to save me...
(Then I spin vinyl brand new)
Now I'm brought back to Earth, back to primal
Birth via tribal, vinyl survival
(In love with vinyl brand new)
I love my radio, it gets the pain to go
If I were a radio, oh, I'd probably prefer to spin the Blues..
I love my radio, it gets the pain to go
If I were a radio, oh, I'd probably prefer to spin the Blues..