I will not get out of bed
You cannot fucking make me
Fuck you, this is my refuge
I will stay between these sheets
Nobody ever has to tuck me in
Count sheep constantly
I'm not missing a thing because dreams will always beat reality
I've slept seventeen hours
I've still got seven more to go
No good morning, no good night neither
I just want to stay a sleeper
It's raining, & it's pouring, but I'm still always snoring
Even if I don't bump my head, I still won't get up in the morning
Naps don't cut it, unconsciousness is my one true welcome home
Dreams play through my head
Sleep apnea is the way I want to go
The world ain't worth my time no more
I'd rather nurse on NyQuil & snore
My only concern is the occasional bed-sore
I won't be getting out of bed anymore