Over the mountain, across the sea
There's a God Who's waiting for Me
Cross over the rivers, beyond every cloud
He's passed the wind that's blowing loud
Over the mountain, the Lord waits for Me
Tell all the sands and every blade of grass
Please tell the wind to let My love pass
Over the mountain, My God waits for Me
Tell the moon up in the sky
Tell the birds that fly by
That over and over and over the mountain
My love waits for Me
Into each dark and starry night
Oh, what a mystery that's sealed so tight
Over the mountain, My love waits for Me
Tell all the boys and girls in town
Tell the king who wears the victor's crown
That over and over and over the mountain
My Lord waits for Me
Please tell the Man who shall not live on bread alone
And tell the queen who occupies His throne
Over the mountain, My love waits for Me