(Verse 1: Chopra)
This is bloody choppers, shoot
Shoutouts to xZempty_, Flowstyle, sicker than the flu
Rapping over one year lyrically I have the tools to be screwing every loose individual that's on the news
Fastest trigger finger but I'm talking about the mouse
Flagging you on Tinder then I'm stalking you in your house
Lacking any picture where I ain't knocking 'em out
Master of precision but you are talking way too loud
I'm a holy saint of lyrical ability - I send em into heaven
I'm going super sonic - you can't see me I'm a phantom
So that's why my name's Danny and I'm making sure I bend em
Like cardboard, call me the Nintendo Labo with a pen and…
Im hacking the facts and im lacking the tax and im stacking the cash and I'm smacking the back and i'm faking the packs and im packing an axe
I'm stabbing em back and I'm passing the pest as a matter of fact I'm the head of the band and i'm spreading the lead and she's bending her legs and I'm making her wet and the static gets wrecked
Chopping it better than most of an
Locking my pads and then I go at em
Dopest rapper - I unload my load at em
Totem of dopenesses
Gotta be fucking em over with intricate intelligence
You're just a junkie off of amphetamines
I'm sure to be battering every single motherfucker that is angering my angerments
Switching up my flows like I'm a super water current
It is really so disturbing when I'm making all my purchases to be burning everybody in the purch's nights
Taking out my knife
Letting you decide
If you want your life
Switching out the lights
Mightiest of rhymes
Sickest motherfucker on the planet rising to the stratosphere evaporating when I step up on the mic!
(Verse 2: Swago)
Bloody Choppers le voci nostre so voci grosse tu odi morte le tue lodi sciolte oltre al tuo ignoto Cody Cropper metti in moto perché è un chopper
Vaghi in mari di affari a fare ignavi i tuoi cari seguaci non mi piaci i tuoi schiavi ignari ma se ti capita una pistola spari ai tuoi compari
Bada bene ti batto sei non fresh io flash sul beat prendi 'na benda abbada io baba jaga bada che siamo bambi contro Buddha la botta io baldo tu preghi amici su badoo trap beat ma io faccio sul bordo il tuo sangue bordo me lo porto dietro tipo basta ripo basta
Ti insegno a fare il rapper
Voi in sette argomente? Steppe
Traccio le vie e sono vie rette
Io butto testi tu sigarette
Non ho perso voglia in questi anni ma tu fai più danni si dei normanni non puoi solo urlare tipo lil sgarbi
Dire che conti più degli altri fai solamente la figura del tossico nel senso nocivo non figo tipo ossido
Il tuo pezzo risulta orrido
Il mio ottimo
Frate passo al prossimo
(Verse 3: Jayhawk)
I could never believe that I was invited to leave this beat all black and blue
Like I'm painting on a blank canvas so I'll try my best not to have a lack of how
But I'm never gonna be jumping the gun at the start of the track like I am a motherfucking Lakitu
Not a single regret looking into my future so that nothing from my past will ever be making me look back at you
Some time soon, you'll prolly be thinking "You saying exactly what I'm seeing"?
Then I'mma be all "For my age you're prolly not gonna have the slightest ounce of believing"
Something should be obvious to the listeners that are hearing this, and for the ones that don't have the slightest clue of what I'm meaning
The name of the track is "Bloody" so we out here tryna annihilate the mic, slitting your throat and and you'll be bleeding
Thinking of coming up into the booth with a lotta the lyrics that are fiery whenever I'm spitting em out like a heroin addict with a fully automatic so that i can be rapping and tearing the stage into pieces so nobody can survive like a terrorist from Al-Qaeda when I'm killing an
Well at least some of us enjoy doing that because we love to see the blood as we're spilling em
A lot like salad dressing, we can pour a little something-something, yeah and it's called venom
Mass casualties when you see us stepping up into the spotlight and like a brick wall we'll be hitting em
I'm convinced that later in the track you will eventually see us as frickin psycho
As we're loading up an arrow, turning on the sight and shooting it from a crossbow
Archer can catch that but I know that nobody can catch a bullet from a rifle
I killed it, now I gotta leave this scene clean like Lysol
(Verse 4: Archer)
I'm villainous, venomous
Better know I'm killin this
Screw using a bow, I'll kill you with my 2 fists
Call a detective, they won't find any evidence
Even on a freestyle, I always have prevalence
Your time is so imminent
When I am so militant
Teaching you discapline
By hitting you with Ritalin
Or make you cough like it's cinnamon
But it's basically equivalent
When the damage is infinite
I'm a vampire, bout to fill my appetite
Better be afraid when it starts to turn night
You should know your fate when the choppers unite Murder all the fuckers that come in our sight becoming lethal like a stick of dynamite
We ain't even stopping when there's sunlight
Pussy, get up, this is supposed to be a fight So here's my attack...
Packing and bagging
Killing em faggots
They acting and bragging
Like they have action
But I circle them maggots
That are making me laughing
And cease
And defeat
The pieces
They're cut up and eaten
When I release
The beast
To open the interstice
The path to the masterpiece
At the beginning of the beat
You just can't take the heat
(Verse 5: Alan Sevisia)
既然都说 CHOP 一定要押韵 那我给你来展示韵脚疯狂拉运 我的记忆超群 听了我的歌小心回家被爸妈教训 现在就跟着这个RAIT 因为我很吊所以不怕被人DISS 来到这里想要的不过是 PEACE AND LOVE 说唱又不是仅o靠着速度和那么 多押 可是吴亦凡黄子韬那种怎么可能 他们只能狗带 拿起了我的枪送给他们一人一颗 734 管那么多干什么不如直接戴上耳 机和我开干 每个人都想当个CHOPER但他们总是问 Et SO TAKE YOUR MIC FOLLOW MY TRACK IMMA LET YOU I'M A FUCKING RAP BAG 我的歌词不血腥不暴力 各种技巧也是分分钟完爆你 你拿什么跟我比 说唱的机器 让你们集体起立 把 AITR 们一击击毙 我会把你打倒然后继续站在这儿 因为我们都是双手沾满鲜血的 BLOODY CHOPPERS
(Verse 6: Peaciedy)
Ich greife nach der axt, hacke dich in tausend stucke und beseitige sie per wurf von 'ner brüche in das kalte nass
Und du legst dich dann im flussbett schlafen in deinem märchenland wirst du von sirenen besungen
Um zu killen muss ich keine bullets laden ich hab schon mal im halbschlaf hyänen bezwungen
Ich hole einen tiefen zug wie u-bahn-passagiere passt dann auch weil ich genau wie sie im untergrund agiere
Manche rapper tragen nur pelzkragenparka und tun so albs ob sie geld haben aber stehen auf abdl und fappen insgeheim daheim nur auf die artistische leistung von pastelfarbenmalern
Ich bin lyrisch gesehen auf einem level-dass kannst do nicht mal physisch wahrnehmen
Ich bin ein mystisches wesen verspeise im scheine des mondlichts leichen und trinke dazu sübliche teechen
Viele leute sagen es gibt keine reime auf orange ich muss hier mal widersprechen denn da gibt es schon so manche wenn ich kohl pelanze, werde ich dann zum kohlleger (kohllega)
Eine hommage an den kronenträger
Wo lande ich wenn ich jemanden an 'ne stoßstange binde?
Dann losfahre so lange bis ich den aufgefetzten körper am letzten strommasten finde?
Gegenfahrbahn? Kann gut sein
Mein yarrak passt kaum durch 'nen kranzkuchen bei dir muss mehr als 20 stunden den schwanz suchen da muss man wirklich mit 'nem fernrohr ranzoomen doch bevor man ihn findet, findet man doch eher schatztruhen
Am ende gebe ich noch einen fick auf alle wannabe-rapper die denken sie wären die besten nur weil sie reichweite un geld in scharen haben
Ich komme handbandagen anhabend, 'ne pumpgun ladend mit 'ner kampfansage an, ihr kleinen plagen Bloody Choppers - ihr werde die kugel fangen wie bei glanzparaden