In the house of Borden
Somebody left us quite a mess
Splattered blood and brains on everything
Except on Lizzie's dress
It's a crime scene, it's a nightmare
It's a bloodbath, it's a fright
It's a butcher's shop in the house of Borden
A mob is gathering outside
Half the town is in the yard
The press is in a frenzy
Cops are standing guard
It must've been a lunatic
A foreigner, a beast
But it's just us girls in the house of Borden
[LIZZIE, spoken]
I was in the backyard
[ALICE, spoken]
Did you see anyone or hear anything?
[LIZZIE, spoken]
I saw no one. Heard no screams
[ALICE, spoken]
Where were you in the yard?
[LIZZIE, spoken]
I was up in the barn loft
[ALICE, spoken]
Why would you go up there after... what happened?
[LIZZIE, spoken]
I went out to get a... lead sinker for my fishing trip. I heard a distressing noise, like scraping, and came back and found the screen door open
[ALICE, spoken]
How long were you up there?
[LIZZIE, spoken]
Twenty minutes?
[ALICE, spoken]
It must've been sweltering!
[LIZZIE, spoken]
I ate some pears
Lizzie was in the backyard
Or did she say the barn?
It's only been a day now
And she's spinning quite a yarn
What we know for sure
Is there were four and now there's two
There's no coming back to the house of Borden
In the house of Borden
Somebody left us quite a mess
Splattered blood and brains on everything
Except on Lizzie's dress
It's a crime scene, it's a nightmare
It's a bloodbath, it's a fright
And it blew the roof off the house of Borden
We laid them out in the dining room
It's going on day two
I know it sounds disgusting
But it's 1892
There's no AC
It's August
And it's ninety-five degrees
Well, you do the math