We were praying at the end of time
Praying for release
And we said, "Hey Gus," he drove the bus, "Is God really made of love?"
And we asked Gus, "Is God really made of love?"
And Gus timed us to be like the spiders and the pyres and held my hand
Like some lily so limply
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?"
He held my hand so limply like a lily of the field
"Hey Gus, is God rеally made of love?"
We arе made of violent storms of drought and floods and fires, he had a few teeth missing
Like he was a garlic flower, but he spoke to us
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?"
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?"
I ate some dirt and wandered, I wandered
I have had a million years sort of crept by me
With all that birth and desolation
I saw cities rise and fall and all things emcompassed and passed into compost
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?"
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?"
And now I pray at the end of time with a ferver that comes more boredom than fear
I pray for release, with the tenderness of my mother's breast
"Hey Gus, is God really made of love?" I shouted
He turned as he burnt the rubber and he replied, "Sure he is, sure he is."
"Sure he is."