Julius Caesar such a great dictator due to personal and political good believes. Made impossible things possible and hoped for better future. He did this for something. He also had motives to create a better Rome but how did his thought changed the world?
Julius Caesar was a such a generous man with people. He liked to help out people to make it better. With such big hopes for Rome he was willing to take a chance to win big in politics and war.(Doc A)Even though he was very smart to do anything for his career and make his appearance better. He didn't noticed that many people disliked him given the fact he was a great leader in Rome. Although he was able to do anything in his power without anybody's help. He never looked at the possibility to make Rome better the power needed to be divided equally among others. In addition, with one leader with absolute power dot make any great Rome. After all, the assassination of Julius Caesar was the cause of such great and some not so great leaders in out world.
In addition, Julius always somehow knew the outcomes of his choices which sometimes made him very arrogant to accomplish goals while in Rome. While as leader he had alienated citizens with strong traditional views.(DOC A) In other words, he sort of separated this people with traditional views because he wanted sometimes else. He wanted to modernize The Republic of Rome. In order for him to do this he wanted to eliminate tradition in Rome. Which would let him modernize the Republic and change things up in Rome. Therefore, with all the changes Caesar was still extremely a popular man among the Republic. In which due to this fact many people looked up to him. And with many looking up to him he had more reforms to the Republic . And while some worked and others didn't . This changed made also the council mad. Even though, after all his changes to the Republic some were good while others weren't. That made him who he was and will ways be in history. A man of changes for the better.
In conclusion, Julius Caesar was such a good dictator that him memorable leader in Roman and world history. After his legacy, many leaders followed in his footsteps to make the best of it and better it. That's why we should never forget bout our der friend Julius Caesar.