Time sounds like...
The time sounds destroy my ears when It' s 12 o'clock and...
Another ory goes by without a sign in this prison!
Never s late to see the twilight,I wait with a hopefull
Would time have pity cf me?
It's so simple to watch the penoulum balance from one
Side to the other and to get into it's deseperate game.
Just one minute of light,second of joy and happiness
Your hugs made me change my orys and lit up my soul
Give me just a minute to hug you and feel alive again.
It could orive me crazy and i could fall intomy deepest
But a butterfly gives me a sign of hope, of color,I can
Feel love's hert and it keeps me alive.
Just one minute of light,second of joy and happiness
Your hugs made me change my orys and lift up my soul
Give me just a minute to hug you and feel alive again.
The time sounds again with hope! hope!!!