Ie Ie Iê
Ie Ie Iô
2x Black Green Yellow
Jamaican Colors
2x I say : Black is the color of the Universe ( Universe)
And tha people a fights to equal rights and Justice ( Justice)
2x You take , You Take ,You take and go High
2x My Soul is Green
because i smoke tha plant of liberty!
2x You Take...
My finger is Yellow
because i never give it up
( because i never give up tha fight no!)
Black Green Yellow Jah Make tha colors
Uuuu Justice 2x
I Say : When this colors is in my mind
My eyes turn Red
And make a unification from tha colors of Jamica & Africa
Black Red gReen Yellow
Jamaica & Africa Colors
Black Red Green Yellow o o o
Ie Ie Ie
Ie Ie Io...