Reach into your pocket
Pull out the only way to be
Stare long and hard into the mirror
Just incase one demon cant see
Count the seconds till that time
Fast forward through life then rewind
Rewind, rewind, rewind
Until the hearts cold stone and blind
So you stand
Ignore that selfish hand off to the right
Squeeze tight
Just a little tighter
Recite, your lonely letter
And he closed his eyes tight
Said his goodbyes
Read his sad letter
Pulled his hand tight
this is the end
one final attempt,
I swear I wont cry
I swear I wont cry
She opens the door
Eyes so surprised
Lies on the floor, barely alive
Too late for goodbyes, and too late for a call
Sits by his side cries to any god who would hear
Can any of you hear!?
Can any of you hear!?Can any of you hear!?