Pequeña Rosa
No call has come in April
and has made you wake up
today want to deploy your wings
small pink
who wants to get lazy.
I'm scared to let go
not to turn over
to feel like flying
small pink
anything that makes you laugh.
Come immerse yourself in this sea
the sweet innocence
first hug
and that kiss with invention
Sweet innocence
the first failure
and this verse that encourages you
No call has come in April
and has made you wake up
yet you have so much to go
small pink
and so anxious to discover
I'm scared to let go
not knowing how to cure
if someone has left a scar
small pink
reposas today in my garden.
they plunge into the sea
the sweet innocence
first hug
and that kiss with invention.
Tell me your fantasies, my girl
I tell you mine
ábreme your heart, my child
Do not hide your confusion
and go to follow your dream.
Sweet innocence
first hug
and that kiss with invention.
Sweet innocence
the first failure
and this verse that encourages you