I got a badass shirt in my closet,
It's got a peace sign!
It's corporate feces!
I like to support world peace,
Because i love everyone!
Peace sells and you're buying!
You spend fifty dollars on a fucking t-shirt!
Just because it has a peace sign.
Flower power's just a bullshit trend.
Hippie's can suck my ass!
Hey everyone, let's go drop acid,
And live in oblivion!
Alternate universe!
I think that the beatles are the best
Musicians ever!
No, just famous!
You spend fifty dollars on a fucking t-shirt!
Just because it has a peace sign.
Flower power's just a bullshit trend.
Hippie's can suck my ass!
John lennon had it coming!
Nevershoutnever must die!
Your shirt made by 50 cambodian children,
Put on a shelf for you to buy!