Your simpleton mind projects empty thoughts
A base human instinct is all that you know
You envy and gossip, make love, hate, and lies
I comprehend another existence and for that you despise
What inspires this unfounded loathing
Experience had taught you nothing at all
You still are the fragile child you run from
No accomplishment satisfactory
The passions I feel, to you, a farce
My bloodline is tainted, dishonor in my veins
Seething towards what is not your seed
Consequence and time escape you
Ignorant of the damage you inflict
The pain in your heart, a reminder
Tolerance for your kind is waste
Welcome to my persona
The spawn of your degrading
Battering me with your twisted deeds
Revenge can bear the test of time
You would not trust or embrace
Abuse of emotion, your calling
Injuring me and others of my kind
Your skin is transparent to all
Your intent is painfully obvious
I am my sire's miscreation
Come punish me with your futile words
Ejoy this victory
Molten, this fire, that's melting that skin
We melt together, repenting our sins
Down to the essence, and what lies beneath
I have surpassed you to hand forth your disease