How long will paindrops fall?
How long will innocent eyes rain?
How many storms will wash
The sands of our souls
Until there be a time to change?
I believe the sun begins to rise
Why should faith tear us apart?
Now could be a paradise
Keep this one truth in your heart
It's time to love!
A bird can't fly to outer space
A simple wish can bring the stars
One lone dreamer will never fix the world
But we can start it inside of us!
Hearts are stone and cold as ice
Minds are full of darkness
You can't find love
By conquering more and more
And more... and more
And sharing always less and less!
But now the sun strikes a chord
We need not suffer, heal the wounds!
It's up to us to sow the seeds
A new day slowly blooms!
It's time to love!
It's time to love!
It's time to love!
It's time to love!
It's time to love!
It's time to love!