Pétrea, vida pétrea: homens e máquinas
I'd felt the life in petrean colours. Absorbed the smell of the despite.
I cannot hear anything but chaos with all its greyness inside.
A black shadow covers the sunlight. The ways are filled with
surmise. Concrete walls or naturata... Where do I find harmony?
Pétrea, Vida pétrea: Homens e Máquinas
Pétrea / Ruído / Desarmonia
Silenciar e alimentar a pétrea engrenagem
Pétreos - Dias - falsos. Falsos sorrisos.
Pétrea persistência, a liberdade dos meus passos, em vão...
Silent walls you don't deserve my soul!
Um mergulho no meu intermédio, o fim do dia.
Silent walls! Silent walls! Silent walls! Petrean life!
I'd felt the life in petrean colours. Absorbed the smell of the despite.
I cannot hear anything but chaos with all its greyness inside.