It looks like flare from new Prometheus
and like Temptation in perverted fay
Read From earth on the moon
Orgasm's spirit is coming soon
One doze of endorphin
In a flying limousine
Celebration of flesh without depth
Deprived of soul a beautiful Doll
Unprotected brains And their death
Modern sole dressed for this role
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies
It looks like Horn of abundance
When us surrounds people ignorance
Read Again Decamerone
Grace de vision coming Soon
Swallow сomets in death dale
like IN Poetry Les fleurs du mal
Celebration of flesh without depth
Deprived of soul a beautiful Doll
Unprotected brains And their death
Modern sole dressed for this role
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies
Therefore I shall be
who looks like you
Libertine and death party
to continue
For us Libertines
Who look like me
Libertine and death party
continue For us Libertine
Celebration of flesh without depth
Deprived of soul a beautiful Doll
Unprotected brains And their death
Modern sole dressed for this role
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies
Lie lie for Zombie Fashion nation lies