Impure… sunsets
A drizzle of vomit persists
Pools… of filth collect
Occultic spells spew forth
Unclean… nightcover
A blizzard of vomit strives
Rivers… of plague flow
The black priests arrive
Exhuming the grand corpse
The rites of necromancy
The highest order of the dead
A candlelight ritual awaits…
Here, on these morbid grounds
The trees, they act as watchers
Upholding dark/old… incantations
Burning the skull
Inhaling the smoke
Cutting the flesh
Rub in the ash
The glorious burn
The soul infection
Through the fog
I see his visage
His majesty stands…
Oh he stands
Horns of hell so mighty…
Oh so mighty
The night bleeds black blood…
The blackest blood
Far below…
Is now ours
Ritualistic impurity
Blood of the ancients
Bones of the past
Ritualistic impurity
Blood of the aged
Bones are perverted!!!