injusticed for the force that the great god has on the humans
the devil was attacked relentlessly by god's men
therefore the men defined what it was "bad" and "good", only just listening
one side of the story.
how was that possible to happen?
what notion of justice is that what sentence the acused
before he defend himself ?
it is the god's justice!
every mercy passion and god's pardon, was reduced to nothing when that was revealed
but his force was so big that most of the people
continues finding Satan a blasphemy
but what be god without the devil ?
what would be a religion of good without your evil side
during every century satan received those offenses
he never answered your offenders
he stayed as a perfect horseman during the whole time
he showed his models of good behavior
but now he sayed that is the hour of screaming in answer
he decided that is hour of attack god
and now we need to expose those hypocrites that think they know
it is hour of joining the satan and to the other three princes and to
dominate that world
liberating the prayers of that mental imprisonment and of the soul
take possession of the fire that comes from the south because it will guide you
without fear follow it to liberation road and evocation
In Nomini Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi !