I'm not really sure what insanity is to tell you the truth
so sometimes I feel I'm going in a path
it's going against the river, going against the wave
going against what other people are doing
But I don't necessarily call that insanity
I really don't call that insanity
Sometimes when I look at the mass of people
or turn on the Tv, I just shake my head and say
this is insanity, this is insanity, normality is insanity
I can't escape it, it's everywhere
Wherever I look it's there
so I'm not quite clear on what the word means anymore
Of course, I'm afraid of dying, everybody is
Everything on the planet is afraid of dying
whether it's a dog, whether it's a mosquito
whether its a turtle, whether it's a cat
everything's programmed to survive
Everything doesn't want to
nothing wants to die, everything's struggling to live
I guess humans
but I wouldn't necessarily say this for certain
are maybe most aware of the fact
that they're going to die
and I guess that makes the whole journey
a lot more difficult, more complex
and more challenging than perhaps
what goes through an animals mind
but I wouldn't say that for certain
Well you know I'm certain certain people
who came into contact with me during my life
will remember me, there is no doubt about it
and as time goes on less and less people
might remember me
unless what I've what achieved in my art
has some sort of eternal meaning to it
It's always impossible to judge
whether this will happen or not happen
it's... it's... whether it's just chance I guess
maybe skill, maybe chance
whatever it is that you have uh
a following that goes beyond your own life
But ultimately I guess, they say everything will disappear
and I guess the planet might disappear
when the sun goes out