If thou be the son of yahweh
Command that these stones be made bread
It is written: not upon bread alone man live,
But the word from yahweh
If thou be the son of yahweh
Cast thyself down from here
For it is written that his messengers
Shall charge concerning thee
And on their hands they shall bear thee up
It is written also: thou shall not tempt the lord thy god
Just in the desert
That i won the great proof and the dragon has cry
For body, soul and spirit i surpassed these three
Then shall come the day of salvation of mankind
Look at all the kingdoms of the world
And the glory of them
Many would like to have everything
And i have power to give this
All these to thee i can give to thee
But thou have to do one thing
Thou have to say, falling down ahead me,
That thou worship me
Get thee hence dragon for it is written:
Thou shall worship the lord god,
And him only shall thou serve
Just in the desert
That i won the great proof and the dragon has cry
For body, soul and spirit i surpassed these three
Then shall come the day of salvation of mankind